This page is reserved to all kayak lovers wanting to tell us a story and share their experience with us. So, it's your turn ... write to us
Paolo -
You could think that this has nothing to do with kayaking,
but if you thing how much beauty we find while kayaking,
in any single gestures, in the nature we pass through.
"[Ricky Fitts] It was one of those days when it's a minute
away from snowing and there's this electricity in the
air, you can almost hear it, right? And this bag was
like, dancing with me. Like a little kid begging me to
play with it. For fifteen minutes. And that's the day I
knew there was this entire life behind things, and...
this incredibly benevolent force, that wanted me to know
there was no reason to be afraid, ever. Video's a poor
excuse. But it helps me remember... and I need to
remember... Sometimes there's so much beauty in the
world I feel like I can't take it, like my heart's going
to cave in."
(from the movie "American Beauty")
Marcello - The problem of training is very serious, expecially in winter time. We exercise with different sports: mountain biking, jogging. During January and February we meet in a swimming-pool where we set up eskimo classes. In Spring and Summer time, we have a lot of training opportunities as we have several beautiful waters at a short distance: Ticino, Sesia and a big choice of artificial channels. In July we also organize classes for all the people wanting to begin this fantastic sport.