Who we are ...

About Kayak Team Turbigo

This site is update  in Italian Only !! sorry !!



Marcello Parmigiani Ayasse river Val d'Aosta















About Kayak Team Turbigo

Look at our pics Kayak Team Turbigo was founded in 1991 by Anselmo Braga, Roberto Nalesso (the current president) and Laura Meazza.
Before that date, we were just a group of friends meeting together to enjoy our favourite sport.
Right now, the official KTT's members are about one hundred, while thirty are the most steady, shared between agonistic group and lovers. Each of us shares the common love for nature and water.

Look at our pics As KTT, we want to be also a reference for beginners, because this sport discourages the solo practice. In fact, the best expression of kayak is found along mountain whitewaters, where the help of a friend is often needed.

Useful information:

President: Anselmo Braga
Vice President: Paolo Coerezza
Agonistic team responsible: Battista Baglione


Kayak Team Turbigo
c/p 63
I-20029 Turbigo - MI
